Red gradient
Inspiration i processens væsen til vævet kropsobjekt.
Graduering af processen som symbol på fordybelsen, tanker og tråde der væves sammen i flow, til mere og mere røde farve og dermed også inspiration til kompositionen.
Forløb brydes af nye tanker, betydninger, refleksioner og overvejelser om helt andet –kan opleves efter fokusering på den røde farve?
Farven er symbol på kærlighed til væven, kunsthåndværket, materialet og ikke mindst til processen.
Processens væsen, er som et nødvendigt rum at være i –mit rum – med sit helt eget liv, som jeg træder ind og ud af.
Kompositionen væves i et færdigt værk på væven. Når det bæres dannes nye former mod kroppen. Løse levende tråde som
den livlige røde farves personlighed med liv og kærlighed. Væverens temperament i nuét, danner spor under væveprocessen.
( Alle vedhæftede fotos er af Fotograf Martin Busborg. Væver og Tekstildesigner Helene Vonsild.)
In English
Red Gradient
The modulation of the process is a symbol of immersion – deeper and deeper into the process: the threads are woven together, from one hand to the other, more and stronger red color, and longer and longer flow in the textile. The textile flow is interrupted by the experience of new thoughts, meanings, reflections, and considerations depending on how you see the art and how long you look at the red color.
The red color symbolizes love for the loom, the craft, the materials, and the process.
The reflection of the process is necessary as it provides a sacred space for me to immerse myself. The process has its own life that I am drawn to be part of and live within. The beauty of this sacred process space is that you can always step in and out of it whenever you wish.
The loose threads that decorate the body reflect the lively personality of the color red, and the threads have a life of their own. Through movement, the loose threads are perceived as brighter and underline the life and love in the personality of the color red.
The personality is what we remember, and that is the memory. It is not necessarily the colors we surround ourselves with or dress in that show our true selves.
The audience is encouraged to interact with the piece: After looking intensely at the red body object for at least one minute, remove the gaze to the empty white backdrop. After a short time, while gazing at the backdrop, a bright green shape will appear as a shadow. That complementary color represents the other side of personality.